
Just include one *.js and you're ready to go.

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Just include one *.js and you're ready to go.

No Jquery, no other dependencies, even styles are inside one js. After adding script to page init with shareButtons().
Buttons are responsive.
Default options are:

 var img = getMetaContentByName('og:image');
    if (!img) {
        document.querySelectorAll('img').length ? img = document.querySelectorAll('img')[0].src : img = '';
    var descr = getMetaContentByName('description');
    if (!descr) descr = ''
    var optionsDef = {
        url: location.href,
        title: document.title,
        image: img,
        text: descr,
        width: 512,
        height: 512,
        services: ['facebook', 'gplus']

Styles added for next services:

var services = ['facebook', 'twitter', 'linkedin', 'gplus', 'vk', 'email', 'pinterest'];

You are welcome to add styles and counter methods for another services and networks.
Play here Demo